Pre Marital Pria / Male

Rp 3.000.000
  • Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, harap konfirmasi kembali kepada petugas MCU
  • Prices may change at any time. Please confirm again with the medical check up section

Hemoglobin, Hematokrit, Eritrosit, Hitung Jenis Leukosit, Thrombosit, LED, Morfologi Darah Tepi

Gula Darah
HbA1C, Gula Darah puasa

Golongan Darah + Rhesus

Hbsag, Anti Hbs, VDRL, Anti HIV, Anti HCV

Urinalisa Lengkap
Warna, PH, BJ, Albumin, Glukosa, Keton, Billirubin, Darah Samar, Nitrit, Urobillinongen, Sedimen

Tambahan Pria / Additional for Men

Pre Marital Wanita / Female

Rp 4.500.000
  • Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, harap konfirmasi kembali kepada petugas MCU
  • Prices may change at any time. Please confirm again with the medical check up section

Hemoglobin, Hematokrit, Eritrosit, Hitung Jenis Leukosit, Thrombosit, LED, Morfologi Darah Tepi

Gula Darah
HbA1C, Gula Darah puasa

Golongan Darah + Rhesus

Hbsag, Anti Hbs, VDRL, Anti HIV, Anti HCV, Anti Rubella IgM & IgG

Urinalisa Lengkap
Warna, PH, BJ, Albumin, Glukosa, Keton, Billirubin, Darah Samar, Nitrit, Urobillinongen, Sedimen

Tambahan Wanita / Additional for Women

  • Anti CMV IgM
  • Anti HSV 2 IgM
  • Anti Taxoplasma IgM